Liberal Arts in Social Impact & Education Career Week is coming up! February 10-14, check out our events & register on Handshake.

Supporting our Sagehens

Families play a more influential role in their student’s career decision-making process than ever before. We invite our Sagehen Families to partner with us by sharing opportunities, participating in programming, and supporting student programs.

  • 1-on-1 Career Advising Appointments
    The CDO has advisors who meet with students five days a week. They review resumes and cover letters, help with job and internship searches, provide LinkedIn profile and networking guidance, conduct mock interviews, support career exploration and self-assessment, and much more. We also have designated advisors for Pre-Law, Alumni, and Fellowships/Awards.
  • Workshops
    The CDO offers workshops throughout the year, open to all students on topics such as resumes, LinkedIn, networking, interviewing, the job/internship search, graduate/professional application processes, and accessibility in the workplace.
  • Recruiting Program and Employer Events
    Every semester our Employer Relations team brings employers to Pomona to meet with our Sagehens. These employers host information sessions, coffee chats, participate in our employer fairs, and conduct job and internship interviews through our office.
  • Career Readiness, and Other Assessments
    The National Association of Colleges and Employers, through a task force of college career services and HR/staffing professionals, has identified eight core competencies associated with career readiness. We provide other tools to help students identify their unique strengths, values, and career-related personality traits.
  • Entry-level Job and Internship Postings
    The CDO’s all-in-one career platform, Handshake, provides thousands of active job and internship postings. Students can search for opportunities using a variety of filters. They can save their searches, follow specific employers, and receive email alerts as new opportunities arise that match their interests.
  • Resources
    The CDO has access to a plethora of resources that students can use to prepare for their careers. These resources are published on our website and are organized by topic under Career Planning > Career Resources.
  • Pomona Career Connections on LinkedIn
    Students can access the Pomona College Career Connections page on LinkedIn to identify potential contacts and network with over 60,000 alumni. Students can search for alumni and filter by location, major, organization, skill set and graduation date.
  • Sagehen Connect
    An online tool connecting undergraduates to over 4,000 Pomona alumni. Here, students can find alumni from a wide variety of class years, employment sectors, and career stages and connect with them for helpful career conversations.

Help us Help Your Sagehen

The CDO is here to support your student. Events, Jobs, and Internship opportunities are all updated and posted on this site and our Handshake site. Please encourage your Sagehen to join Handshake to keep updated on all the CDO has to offer!

Recruit Sagehens

If your organization has openings for paid positions and you would like to recruit on campus or through networking, please reach out to our recruiting team.


The generosity of our Sagehen community ensures the Pomona educational experience for every student. You can help increase access to top-quality career resources, services, and programming by supporting the work of the Career Development Office.

Graduate Outcomes

Review our outcomes page to find out more about what Sagehens are doing after they graduate.

  • Select “Student Resources” in the Designation Drop-Down
  • Find and Select Career Development Office


Career Resources

Contact & Location

(909) 621-8144

Alexander Hall
550 N. College Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711

Career Service Hours

Monday 8:00-5:00pm
Tuesday 8:00-5:00pm
Wednesday 8:00-5:00pm
Thursday 8:00-5:00pm
Friday 8:00-5:00pm

The CDO is located on the east side of Alexander Hall. Please bring your ID to get access.

The CDO is closed from 12-1pm daily.