Internship Transcript Notation
Students who are not participating in the Pomona College Internship Program (PCIP), but are participating in an internship, may be eligible for an Internship Transcript Notation.
The CDO has been authorized by the faculty to assess internship options and, when warranted, approve internships to be notated as equivalent to one-half-course credit by those colleges that award credit for such work, on the student’s college academic record.
Pomona College does not award graduation credit for stand-alone (non-course-based) internships, so the credit is not calculated into the student’s earned units at Pomona College. Therefore, the one-half-course credit will be noted on the students’ transcript but will not count towards the total units needed for graduation.
Learn more about Internship Transcript Notation: Degree Requirements & Academic Regulations and email us at with any questions.